The Bazi plague

  • Also known as the "pox".
  • Transmitted by lice bites.
  • It once hit the port of Bazi after it was closed down for 2 years (hence the name)
  • Some people seem to have a natural resistance while others are partially resistant and suffer only a temporary debilitating effect. For others it was swift, lethal and horrifying
  • A slave suffering from the Bazi plague would simply be slain.
  • Ships would be checked to be free of Bazi plague before unloading/disembarking.
  • Symptoms would be dry lips, whites of the eyes turn yellow, pusules and black blisters on the skin.


"we are going to test you for pox"  he said. The girl groaned. It was my hope that none on board the Clouds of Telnus had carried the pox. It is transmitted by the bites of  lice. The pox had appeared in Bazi some four years ago. The  port had been closed for two years by the merchants. It had  burned itself out moving south and eastward in some  eighteen months. Oddly enough some were immune to the  pox, and with others it had only a temporary, debilitating  effect. With others it was swift, lethal and horrifying. Those  who had survived the pox would presumably live to procreate  themselves, on the whole presumably transmitting their  immunity or relative immunity to their offspring. Slaves who  contracted the pox were often summarily slain. It was thought that the slaughter of slaves had had its role to play in  the containment of the pox in the vicinity of Bazi.  “It is not she,” said the physician. He sounded  disappointed. This startled me.  “Am I free of pox, Master?” asked the auburn-haired girl.  “Yes,” said the physician, irritably. His irritation made no  sense to me.


(Slave Girl of Gor)



The physician would check the health of the crew and slaves. Plague, some years ago, had broken out in Bazi, to the north, which port had then been closed by the merchants for two years. In some eighteen months it had burned itself out, moving south and eastward. Bazi had not yet recovered from the economic blow. Schendi’s merchant council, I supposed, could not be blamed for wishing to exercise due caution that a similar calamity did not befall their own port.  


(Explorers of Gor)






In the year of 10167 Contasta Ar, the Bazi plague returned to the Vosk region and the City of jasmine was one that was hit without mercy. The spread was so vast and rapid, that the citizens who was still not infected, fled the city and went up the river to stay at the Jasmine outpost. 










There their life would continue as before but in a smaller scale

as a result and would continue to do so until their City was cleared

from every trace of the deadly decease and they would finally be

able to return home.. something that could take several years..