How to join





Moderators & SimAdmins:


Jade Tolwen -M

Electra McConach - M




Aryan1412 Resident - SA

BlazeShadowBane Resident - SA




To become  member of Jasmine, Seek out the person who is responsible for the role/caste you will be applying for to get the information, the documents needed and possibly an OOC tour.


For white caste - High initiate - currently vacantContact Moderator Jade DeSito (Jade Tolwen)


For blue caste - Head scibe - currently vacantContact Moderator Jade DeSito (Jade Tolwen)


For yellow caste - Head Builder - contact Moderator Jade DeSito (Jade Tolwen)


For green caste - Head physician - currently vacantContact Moderator Jade DeSito (Jade Tolwen)


For red caste - The scarlet Commander - Contact SimAdmin Mithirandir Lugar (BlazeShadowBane Resident)


For black caste - The MA - Contact Moderator Arsus (Daimos Baarer)


For low caste men - Contact SimAdmin Bhairava DeSito (Aryan1412 Resident)


For low caste women - Contact Moderator Luna DeSito (Petite Pixie)


For slaves - Head slaver  - Contact SimAdmin Bhairava DeSito (Aryan1412 Resident) or Moderator Star DeSito (Hope Audran)



You are required to read the simrules, TOS and all the RP guidelines. Even if you play  free you must also read about slaves and vice versa. This is to make sure that you know not only what is required of YOU, but also what YOU can expect and demand from your fellow RPers. This is a RP sim and people come here to play a role and it is not fair to others if one have to worry about stepping on someones toes due to RL issues or peoples incapability to seperate IC from OOC.



Gor is a harsh world and if you are not emotionally stable to play your role without it leading to OOC drama, then you should NOT enter RP. Take a break, recruite, go to earth or a special 'sanctuary' where you can 'heal' or simply log out. It's not fair to expect others to act like socialworkers just because you have a bad day.


If you like and agree to what you read, fill in an application and send to Jade DeSito (Jade Tolwen). You will later be contacted for a personal, yet informal OOC interview. Yes, the interview is OOC as you apply for OOC membership to Jasmine. The IC role you seek needs to be 'applied' for IC just like in RL. 


After/if you pass the interview, you will be welcomed as a 'prospect' during the trialperiod which is 30 days long. Depending on how much time and effort you are willing to 'put in' the time can be both longer as well as shorter. The trialperiod is a time for evaluation and it is hard to 'evaluate' someone who is not around. While a 'prospect' you will be expected to RP as any full member and not sit around idle and simply 'wait out' the 30 days. You have the same rights as prospect as any full member to rent a home or 'work' in Jasmine. After the trialperiod is over you will get a notice and a new 'title'. 


As a member of Jasmine you would be expected to act like an 'ambassador' OOC when you are in other parts of SL Gor. A bad reputation is easier to 'gain' that a good one and once 'labled' it is hard to have it changed.