- Free Men of Gor



Gor is a male dominated world. The men were respected and honoured as men. Courage, honor, strength, tall with well hewn muscles and similar traits are synonymous with the Gorean Free Man ideal. Not all Gorean men possessed these traits. Some are devious, duplicitous, whiny and weak, and many other things. Lets take for example Saphrar of Turia or even Ost of Tharna. You are the one that decides what type of Free Man you are. You are not pigeon-holed into cookie cutter moulds of Gor. A man did not need to prove his masculinity - it just was. A Gorean man charts his own path for his own reason. This is Gor!



Men respected Free Women of their own home stone and would protect them with their lives. The same men had no qualms enslaving women of any caste or family of other cities, especially their enemies. A sharp tongued Free Woman did not inspire fear or hurt egos causing a Free Man to quake and run for a collar to protect himself from this creature. Enslaving a Free Woman of ones own Home Stone requires legal action and the intervention and judgment of the magistrate.


Being so much stronger than any woman in Gor, your use of this strength in unwarranted abuse of slaves and Free Women does not prove your strength. It actually may be seen as a guise for your lacking as a man. A wise thought to remember... there are men out there stronger than you.


Know the role you have chosen to play.