- FreeWoman dresscode




The norm for the free women of the cities of Gor is for them to wear Robes of Concealment and veils. Women of High Caste are much more likely to wear Robes of Concealment and veils though many Low Caste women do as well. The general idea of this garb is to conceal a woman from head to toe, allowing only her eyes to be revealed, and even if that. This garb is reminiscent of the clothing worn by Muslim women on Earth though the Gorean garb may be even more intricate and bulky. Basically, the higher your Caste or station, the more complex your clothing will be. Gloves are also commonly worn. The robes may be of any colors though one's Caste colors will often be the predominant color. All those playing a FW SHOULD know the primary purpose of the veil and robes of concealments. It is to hide their looks from a possible raider. He would more likely go for a slave who he can SEE is beautiful and KNOW is already collared, most likely trained and maybe even branded, than a FW who has no training and might be hideous to look upon.



When considering a front collar height, draw an imaginary line from the center of the chest, between the breasts, up to the center of the neck. The collar height should fall to the center of that line, at the least. Anything below may be considered cleavage. (See red line in the pic)

The back should not be exposed any further than the chest is

Shoulders must be covered. The center of a line drawn between the neck and the start of the arm would be a good guideline for minimal requirements. (See blue line in the pic)


Sleeves should come down to at least the elbow and legs and ankles should be covered. Stomach must be ALWAYS covered. Only slaves would reveal their belly and belly button. Hence the word SLAVE belly.


Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations dependent upon one's Caste and station. Many Low Caste women possess only a single veil which must suffice for all occasions. High Caste women often own many veils and will wear a number commensurate with the occasion. Some wealthy women may wear up to ten veils on a formal occasion. But in general, most women will wear only one or two veils, such as the last veil and the street veil. Opac veils-NOT sheer ones.

Perhaps to make it easier to comprehend, try to think of the veil as you would a top on earth. Even if it would not be against the law, would you walk down the street topless? On the beach or in your own back yard or in your own home, maybe, but not in public. And should you be one of those that would fight it and actually GO around topless, those around you would whisper and talk behind your back, openly scorn you just like they would a Gorean woman in public without the veil. So even if the wearing of a veil is not prohibited by Jasmine law one would be wise to remember what the books say:


"Custom, by itself, normally suffices. Social pressures, too, in various ways, contribute to the same end. An unveiled woman, for example, may find other women turning away from her in a market, perhaps with expressions of disgust. Indeed, she may not even be waited upon, or dealt with, in a market by a free woman unless she first kneels. It would not be unusual for her, in a crowded place, to overhear remarks, perhaps whispers or sneers, of which she is the obvious object, such as "Shameless slut," "brazen baggage," "As immodest as a slave," "I wonder who her master is," and "Put a collar on her!" And if she should attempt to confront or challenge her assailants, she will merely find such remarks repeated articulately and clearly to her face."

~ Players of Gor


But also remember..


In the northern villages, and in the forest towns, and northward on the coast the woman do not veil themselves, as is common in the cities to the south."

Marauders of Gor, page 25


rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission.

---Slave Girl of Gor, 5:107



Footwear for free women is commonly either sandals or slippers, dependent on Caste. Boots may also be worn, dependent on the situation. Some women wear platform shoes, especially those of High Caste or station. For example, Talena once wore platform shoes that were about ten inches high so she could look down upon the citizens of Ar. The sort of high heels and stilettos we see on earth is NOT Gorean though. The front and the back of the sole would be in one piece. Imagine footwear of medieval earth.


OK kind of heels to wear in Jasmine:






NOT OK heels to wear in





A low caste woman can however also be barefoot if she is for example a peasant or a she-urt as its a matter of status and coin. In raiders of gor, the fw rencers wore short skirts and sleeveless tops when working in the heat of the marshes but would of course cover up when going to town


A Lady's hair can be worn any way she pleases, although a free women would usually either conceal their hair completely or wear up swept hairdos, something generally not permitted to slaves who must often wear their hair long.


A Free Woman can wear any type of jewelry she pleases, and may decorate herself however she likes. No Free Woman would however have her ears pierced, along with the brand it is the ultimate sign of slavery and even a freed slave would never wear earrings. Other body jewelry/ornaments are fine, even if not common. A FW would decorate herself sparsely and with class, in both jewelry and makeup