- Slaves of Gor




Kajira is the gorean word for slave girl, kajirus is for slave boy.

Bond, thrall and silkgirl are just local variations of the same words. A slave is just a slave. As such you are property and even considered an animal. Your place is to please the free and obey the free. Any free Person can and has the power to punish or kill a slave. Destruction of another free Person's property can lead to legal ramifications if you do not compensate the owner for the loss of their property. Ridiculous limits in profiles will not even be considered. You do not dictate if a Free can cut your hair, detain, punish, or anything that is acceptable Gorean RP.


If a lost, stolen, abandoned or runaway slave is taken by a free Person, the original owner would have one hand (5 days) according to Gorean law, to regain his property before legal title passes to the new owner. The slave remains the property of the original owner during these this hand and can be held in a city kennel until the matter is sorted.


Slaves living in a city with their owners would be seen walking the streets all the time as they would have chores and errands to run. They would not sit idle on their knees waiting to hump a Masters boot. They would not need to ask permission to enter public buildings, however they would need ask to enter private quarters unless they have been invited to enter. Slaves not of the village or city would ask permission to enter public buildings unless accompanied by a free Person.


Greeting is a complex thing and subject to how you are taught and the specific Gorean culture you are part of. What does not change though, no matter how it is done, is that the free were greeted with respect - all free regardless of social status, caste or wealth. A slave would not be required to stop and ask to keep going on his/her way when passing free. When speaking to any free, greet from a position of subservience and within reach of the group of free you address. A slaves final word to any free would be "Yes Master / Mistress .." or a departing wish as slaved do not command free


During raids, slaves would NOT participate in the fighting. Not even male fighting slaves as those are like the gladiators of old earth. Fighting in an arena for the amusement of the free. Slaves are not defenders, however they would defend themselves as their temperament deems using whatever is at hand or other defensive means. A slave would attempt to evade capture by hiding, running or any other subterfuge method. They do not engage in battle on the front lines as a defender using bows, swords, rocks or brooms or any other such weapon. Defend yourself not the town.

Any slave touching a weapon or hurting a free whether ordered or not, should be aware about the penalty for doing so should he/she end up on the loosing side. A slave damaging a free were impaled after length of torture.


It is understandable that some will find it exiting to be taken in a raid and as this is a game this will most likely happen. BUT, for the sake of good RP, do NOT run to meet the raiders or stand waiting in plain sight. At least PRETEND to run and hide and don´t be one of those constantly being taken in every raid.


Some cities, especially those of the Vosk River, have a custom of an initiatory whipping when they obtain a new slave. The girl knows she will be carried into the house as a helpless slave and then the whipping shows her that she is under discipline. There are no set amount of blows for this whipping. It all depends on the whims of the master.


In a whipping, a set number of lashes are usually given and then often one more lash added. This is the "blow which reminds a girl she is slave." and is commonly the hardest blow of all. The whipping itself is insignificant when compared to the lesson it teaches. It shows a girl she is under the total domination of a man and at his mercy. This fulfills something deep in the female.

This is also done so that when a slave would get out of line..the free would only have to touch the handle of the whip to make her behave again. It is not very realistic when someone keeps being mouthy as the flesh of their back is being removed by the whip. Slaves learned to fear the whip.


Know the role you have chosen to play.