- Free Women of Gor



Free Women of Gor are not slaves in waiting. If you think you are a slave in waiting, save us the trouble and submit. A Free Woman can be proud, strong, opinionated, clever, duplicitous, perpetually angry, shy, or whatever suits your character. You do not have to mold yourself into some one dimensional standard. But a FW were modest in appearance and manner. High Caste women wore robes of concealment and layered veils. Low Caste women, though some unable to afford many things, would still dress modest. Even though some low caste women did wear a veil, some did not. A woman traveling would wear a veil regardless of her cast and she would not travel unescorted. Even so, every woman, slave and free, is taught by puberty how to render submission. Her life might one day depend on it. If a free women is ever captured, she must be prepared for that eventuality.


There is more to Gor for a Free Woman than slavery, though a constant threat is there. Remember you are the ones who birth their sons, the ones who teach their daughters, the holder of hearth and history in your loins and heart. So for the love of all thats possible in Gor, bring to your role-play more than the tired over washed slave drama. Free Women in public were often frigid, and aloof, but that does not mean that is your true nature. Free Women had lovers, male slaves and other such things at their disposal.


Free women along with slaves would run to hide in safety in a raid, not pick up a sword and run to meet the enemy. A FW was likely enslaved and never to be seen again if caught in a raid although not seen as valuable as a slave as loot. The FW was not trained in serving and the slave was. However, a high caste woman would be worth more depending on her status, either held for ransom or sold for a high amount on a slaveblock. Play your role as your freedom depend on it, as it might very well do.


It is understandable that some will find it exiting to be taken in a raid and as this is a game this will most likely happen. BUT, for the sake of good RP, do NOT run to meet the raiders or stand waiting in plain sight. At least PRETEND to run and hide and don´t be one of those constantly being taken in every raid.


A tavern is what it is - a tavern! It is not a teahouse, FWs watering hole or a place to stomp your foot and demand the slaves be respectful. Entering a tavern without an escort or uninvited is at your discretion, as are the consequences of your actions. The slaves in a tavern will not tame their heat because your chill has entered. The men may not temper their drunken debauchery to stop your cheeks from blushing. Enter a tavern as a FW, expect to leave as a slave if you are unlucky


Know the role you have chosen to play.